Throughout the day, there were behind-the-scenes negotiations and a plethora of announcements. Indeed, according to the UNFCCC, COP28 has so far been the largest climate action summit in the history of the event, with over 100,000 registered delegates.[1]
The Green Zone, which is open to visitors, received over 400,000 registrations for day passes.

Dr. Sultan Al Jaber
COP28 President-Designate,
UAE Special Envoy for Climate Change, and
Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology
Key announcements (05 December 2023)
Following an earlier pledge by around 120 countries to triple the world’s renewable energy capacity by the end of the decade, today’s focus to operationalize the energy and industrial transition concluded with renewed vigor. a. Key business and regulatory stakeholders discussed challenges and solutions around energy transition during a roundtable on the Industrial Transition Accelerator, launched days ago to catalyze decarbonization across heavy-emitting sectors.[2] b. US Climate Envoy John Kerry launched an international engagement plan to support nuclear fusion, supporting the previously announced pledge led by the US to triple nuclear power by 2050.[3] The US also joined over 60 countries in backing the Global Cooling Pledge, a collective effort to reduce cooling-related emissions by at least 68% from 2022 level by 2050.[4] c. Spanish and UAE renewables developers, Iberdrola and Masdar, have pledged EUR 15 billion (~USD 16.2 billion) to jointly invest in offshore wind and green hydrogen across countries like the US, Germany, and the UK.[5] d. Fossil fuel companies have also continued efforts to reduce fugitive methane emissions through partnerships and technologies, as 50 fossil fuel companies representing over 40% of global oil production have committed to the the Oil and Gas Decarbonization Charter (OGDC).[6]
Indigenous and other frontline communities took focus, as leaders representing these passionately advocated for greater inclusion in climate discussions to ensure a just transition. Notably, Indigenous Climate Action, a Canada-based, Indigenous-led climate justice organization released the ‘Indigenous Rights and Sovereignty in International Climate Policy: A Systemic Analysis’ report.[7] The analysis finds that while states often reference the rights of Indigenous people, states often fail to respect the rights of Indigenous communities to participate in decision-making and to veto climate policies that harm their livelihoods. For example, just 32 percent of NDCs and 19 percent of climate adaptation policies analyzed included consultation of Indigenous peoples, despite their vital role as stewards of the environment.[8] Indigenous peoples must have their opinions recognized in climate action talks to ensure a more inclusive, sustainable future.
Released today was the second draft of the final agreement document from COP28, highlighting negotiations progress made from the Global Stocktake process.[9] Notably, the draft presents several options for a resolution around fossil fuel phase-outs: ranging from an overall fossil fuel phase-out, to an unabated fossil fuel phase-out, to no mention of a phase-out altogether. The draft text also includes the option of a more ambitious goal to collectively reduce 60 percent of emissions by 2035, and nations are advised to enhance their nationally determined contributions (NDCs). The proposal will continue to be debated over the next week as stakeholders negotiate over the details of how to best obtain an equitable climate transition.[10]
Other key announcements include: a. The UAE has joined the US and other parties in the Powering Past Coal Alliance working to phase out the usage of unabated coal power energy.[11] b. The Dairy Methane Action Alliance, including six of the world’s largest dairy companies, agreed to begin disclosing their methane emissions alongside voluntary commitments to reduce methane emissions.[12] c. Yesterday, the Global Environment Facility and Bezos Earth Fund pledged USD 225 million in funding for the Unlocking Blue Pacific Prosperity (UBPP), an initiative to conserve or implement sustainable activities across the Pacific Ocean.[13] The World Wildlife Fund will provide technical expertise for the venture.
- https://www.carbonbrief.org/analysis-which-countries-have-sent-the-most-delegates-to-cop28/
- https://www.bloomberg.org/press/cop28-presidency-united-nations-climate-change-and-bloomberg-philanthropies-launch-new-industrial-transition-accelerator-for-heavy-emitting-industries/; https://twitter.com/COP28_UAE/status/1732007943267057763
- https://apnews.com/article/fusion-nuclear-john-kerry-cop28-climate-power-energy-40ffa257eae528163f68554368cacfee
- https://news.un.org/en/story/2023/12/1144382
- https://www.reuters.com/business/energy/iberdrola-masdar-invest-16-bln-green-energy-2023-12-05/
- https://www.offshore-energy.biz/cop28-brings-historic-action-as-50-oil-gas-players-pen-decarbonization-charter/
- https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e8e4b5ae8628564ab4bc44c/t/656b113b4f5a45687025a0bc/1701515611220/Rights+Analysis+Report+and+Appendixpdf.pdf
- https://www.indigenousclimateaction.com/entries/cop28-analysis-report-release
- https://unfccc.int/sites/default/files/resource/GST_0.pdf
- https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-12-05/cop28-latest-energy-takes-centerstage-amid-fossil-fuel-debate; https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2023-12-04/at-cop28-a-global-clean-energy-push-is-a-win-for-coal-burning-china
- https://twitter.com/COP28_UAE/status/1732020298818490492
- https://www.reuters.com/sustainability/climate-energy/global-dairy-companies-announce-alliance-cut-methane-cop28-2023-12-05/