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COP28 Uniqus – A Curtain Raiser

Both COP27 and COP28 share a marked similarity, as both are hosted in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region, resulting in increased cooperation across the region’s broader climate ambitions.

At COP28, the Presidency had announced four cross-cutting themes in its thematic day’s programming, which underpin effectively, interconnected delivery and highlight subjects raised by stakeholders: technology and innovation, finance, frontline communities, and inclusion.

The world is at a critical junction today, and COP28, with its first Global Stocktake, must strive to create the most significant push to achieve global and national climate change goals. Uniqus is closely monitoring all the developments around COP28, aiming to identify risks and opportunities deriving from the discussions and negotiations by the world leaders and their impacts on both governments and businesses.


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