Case Study
ESG Initiatives for a Leading Pharmaceutical Company
An integrated pharmaceutical company with revenues over USD2.5 billion and presence in 18 country sites across Asia, Australia, the Americas, Europe, and Africa.
The business situation
With a mature ESG standing, the client’s needs moved beyond meeting regulatory compliance benchmarks and towards further driving their ESG agenda.
Our team's role
- Development of a greenhouse gas inventory
- Target setting in line with SBTi
- Creation of comprehensive decarbonization strategies
- Conducting energy audits and feasibility testing
- Performing ESG gap assessments and peer benchmarking
- Delivering 35+ capability-building trainings for various stakeholders
- Development and audit of a supplier sustainability framework
- Adoption of more detailed and advanced disclosures, such as DJSI, CDP, and MSCI
The value our team added
Through systematic assessments, science-based targets developed for the client were approved for the second year. This created a platform for implementing robust energy-saving initiatives and identifying 20% potential for energy savings through 18 site audits. Coupled, the improvements in performance led to enhanced ESG ratings, including a leadership position in CDP Climate Change with a level improvement from ‘B’ to ‘A-’ as well as a 40% improvement in their DJSI score.